Device blocking

Device blocking refers to the practice of identifying and preventing specific devices from interacting with online advertisements or accessing websites. This technology helps advertisers protect their campaigns from click fraud and invalid traffic by maintaining lists of suspicious or confirmed fraudulent devices.

How device blocking works

When a device attempts to interact with an ad or website, the system checks its unique identifiers. These can include IP addresses, device fingerprints, and other technical markers. If the device matches entries in a block list, it's prevented from seeing or clicking ads.

Types of devices that get blocked

Various devices can be flagged for blocking based on suspicious behavior. Common examples include:

  • Devices that generate an unusually high number of clicks
  • Devices associated with known click farms
  • Automated systems and bot traffic
  • Devices with suspicious traffic patterns
  • Mobile devices showing signs of emulation

Benefits of device blocking

Device blocking serves as a crucial line of defense against ad fraud. It helps preserve marketing budgets by stopping repeat offenders from generating fake clicks. This leads to more accurate campaign data and better ROI.

Limitations to consider

Device blocking isn't perfect. Fraudsters can use virtual machines and device spoofing to bypass blocks. They might also rotate through different devices. This is why device blocking works best as part of a larger fraud prevention strategy.

When to use device blocking

Implement device blocking when you notice suspicious patterns in your ad traffic. Look for multiple clicks from the same device or clicks that don't convert. Some signs that suggest you need device blocking include unexpected spikes in traffic or high bounce rates.

Impact on legitimate users

Sometimes device blocking can accidentally affect real users. This usually happens when they share IP addresses or devices with others. Good blocking systems should have ways to handle these edge cases. They should also allow you to quickly unblock legitimate devices if mistakes happen.