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Ad fraud
Click fraud uncovered: Ultimate guide to protecting ad spend
This guide will explain everything you’ll ever need to know about click fraud, the different categories of unwanted clicks, how it can be detected, and how it can be stopped.
Hitprobe updates
Product update: Webhooks & Converted Outcome
We're introducing a new feature in Hitprobe, webhooks. Receive real-time HTTP posts for each blocked session directly to your own app or integration tools.
Bot traffic
Click fraud malware: What is it, and can you remove it?
Knowing how to remove malware is difficult. But you needn’t worry anymore, because here you'll find a step-by-step guide on how to remove click fraud malware. We also explain how these infections arise in the first place. Let's go!
Ad fraud
Why is ad fraud SO hard to stop? (With examples)
Ad fraud is the deceptive practice of making money by milking fake clicks on online ads. It can be extremely damaging to businesses. Here, we'll take a look at exactly what it is, and explore why it's so hard to stop.
Ad fraud
Why is keyword targeting for Google Display Network not working?
We dig into a recent Reddit post where a user complains that keyword targeting for Google Display should be showing up ONLY on pages that have their specific keywords on them. Other users had some good ideas.
Ad fraud
5 common click fraud myths — busted!
Click fraud is a subject that is only really coming to light in recent years. With CPC bids getting higher every year, click fraud is growing. We've compiled 5 common myths, debunking and exploring each one in detail.
Why do my user sessions not match my clicks? [Answered]
This helpful guide is for anyone struggling to match up clicks on ads with sessions recorded in their analytics. Surely they should just MATCH UP? Or maybe not, as we'll discover...
Browser fingerprinting
How often do IPs change? A detailed real-life study
We look at a surprising real-world study into IP addresses, to see how long an average user keeps the same address. The same study also found that changes in IP address may actually make a user MORE traceable.
Bot traffic
Why CPL (cost-per-lead) is not immune to click fraud
CPL is not the panacea that people think it is, especially with bots becoming more sophisticated and able to fill in fake leads. We show you why you should care, and how to identify and solve CPL click fraud.
Ad fraud
Is click fraud “real”? 6 reasons you'd better believe it
Probably the ultimate click fraud question — is it actually "real"? Does it really exist? We look at 6 reasons that point to click fraud being a real world danger to your ad spend.
Ad fraud
Does blocking an IP address help with click fraud?
We look at the pros and cons of blocking IP addresses as part of your click fraud defense. How effective is it, and what are the alternatives that you should consider?
Google Ads
“Google stops all click fraud” [True or false?]
Do you think Google stops all click fraud? We take a look at what Google say about click fraud in their own products, and learn why getting to the truth may not be that simple.
Ad fraud
What's a click farm, and what do they look like?
Our ELI5 series aims to "Explain it Like I'm 5". Here we'll learn exactly what a click farm is, in simple terms. But we'll also dive into the world of click farms including seeing what they look like, how they work, and how to guard against them.
Ad fraud
Ad fraud explained [peek inside a shady ad fraud site]
Our ELI5 series aims to "Explain it Like I'm 5". This time we'll explain what ad fraud is, and even look at a real-life example of ad fraud in action.
Google Ads
YouTube ad clicks: Why do they all seem SO FAKE? [how to fix]
The problem with YouTube, and the reason that some clicks look fake, is because they ARE. Click fraud can be a problem. Read on for this and other reasons why your Google video campaigns are not working out.
Google Ads
How to ask Google to refund invalid clicks [and what to expect next]
The bad news is that Google don't exactly make it easy for you to report invalid clicks. But never fear, we'll walk you through each and every step to give you the best possible chance at prizing your hard earned cash out of Google's hands.
Ad fraud
Click fraud in the media: Most shocking cases of advertising fraud
A compilation of notable stories, cases and events relating to click fraud, and advertising fraud in general. Covers legal cases, fraud botnets, and other incidents.
Browser fingerprinting
Browser fingerprinting: Everything you ever wanted to know, start to finish
The complete guide to browser fingerprints. What they are, how they work, what data goes into them, the history, privacy, and much more.
Safeguard your ad spend from wasted clicks
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Hitprobe analyzes every click and identifies 12 key risk factors, responding instantly using advanced multi-layer blocking.