Honeypot field

A honeypot field is a hidden form field that helps detect and prevent automated bot traffic and spam submissions. It's specifically designed to catch click bots while remaining invisible to real human users. In email forms, honeypot fields act as a simple but effective trap for spam bots that mindlessly fill out every field they encounter.

How a honeypot field works

The honeypot technique uses CSS to hide a form field from human visitors. Real users can't see or interact with it because it's completely hidden from view. However, spam bots typically try to fill out every field they find in the form's code.

When a submission comes in with the honeypot field filled out, it's a clear signal that it came from a bot detection rather than a real person. The form can then automatically reject these spam submissions.

Why honeypots matter for traffic quality

Bot traffic and form spam often correlate with click fraud and invalid clicks. Spammers frequently use the same automated tools to both fill out forms and generate fake ad clicks. By implementing honeypot fields, you can:

  • Identify suspicious traffic patterns
  • Block known bot networks
  • Protect your marketing data quality
  • Reduce wasted ad spend

Best practices for implementation

When adding honeypot fields to your forms, follow these key guidelines:

  • Use CSS to completely hide the field (display: none can work but position: absolute with negative positioning is better)
  • Give the field a natural-looking name like "email2" or "phone"
  • Avoid using obvious terms like "honeypot" in the field name
  • Test thoroughly to ensure real users never encounter the hidden field

Limitations to consider

While honeypot fields are useful, they shouldn't be your only anti-spam measure. Sophisticated bots can sometimes detect and skip honeypot fields. This technique works best as part of a broader fraud prevention strategy that includes multiple verification methods.